[Thursday 3 October 2024 14:29] - []


Outside of the study curriculum you can also learn in different ways, for example by following interesting courses or masterclasses. Most of the courses at Scintilla are organized by the MasterCLASS. This committee tries to provide information on useful skills that are related to your study or future job. MasterCLASS also organizes courses that train fun skills that can still be usefull in daily live. To get more information about MasterCLASS, you can visit the committee page.

The university provides courses for all students and focusses on soft-skills. An overview of the universities courses can be found on this page. The courses (which sometimes have a registration fee) cover a range of topics, from learing Dutch or other languages to improving your presentation skills or how to be more effective at writing reports.

Course material

Some material is available from previous Scintilla courses. Some documents that were used during the courses can also be found here, so you can still enjoy them afterwards. Information is available for the following courses:

- LaTeX course
- Matlab course
- Soldering course
- GitLab course
- Cooking course
- 3D-printing course